Hello, my name is Susan Mills and I'd like to take this opportunity to Thank You for visiting my website. I hope you enjoy viewing the art as much as I have enjoyed painting it. And if you decide to purchase a piece, I thank you sincerely for supporting my work and I hope it brings you a lifetime of joy!
My Story
I am a self-taught artist and have been painting and drawing since I was old enough to get my hands on paper and the necessary instruments required. Painting was the one pursuit I could lose myself in and so I always intended to go to Art College after secondary school. But at the 12th hour, I chose science. I went on to earn a Ph.D. and worked in research for many years. I painted when I could but those moments were rare and with time always being of the essence, I never produced anything I was happy with.
Still something was gnawing at me – there was something else I should be doing with my life. The gnawing became unbearable and one day I handed in my notice. It wasn’t my immediate intention to become a painter but something happened that changed all that. My beloved Tibetan terrier Lady died and in my grief I painted her and it was only then that I understood the power of painting what you love. I have always felt a connection with animals, with their vulnerability perhaps. Lady deepened that connection; she taught me the joy of loving and caring for another creature through her unconditional love for me. She taught me the true beauty and serenity of animals which I strive to capture in each of my paintings.
Lately, I have added toys, especially teddy bears to my subject matter. Paintings of teddys can awaken the inner child and these paintings often reopen doorways into precious memories from our childhood.
I work predominantly with acrylics.
My work has been featured on RTE Nationwide through the book, The Human Rescuers.
Distinctions and Awards:
2020 - International Fusion Art 5th Animal Kingdom Art Exhibition, awarded 4th Place.
2023 - Teravarna International Juried Competition in Animal, Talent Prize Award.
2023 - Light Space Time 13th "Animals" Art Exhibition, Special Recognition Category for Excellence in Art
Feel free to get in touch if you'd like to find out more about my art or discuss a commission.
00353 -87 -3599977